This year, the National Burn Awareness Week in the USA is from February 4-10, 2024.

The theme for 2024 is Flammable Liquid Burns.

As the American Burn Association has rightly stated, “National Burn Awareness Week is a window of opportunity for organizations to mobilize burn, fire, and life safety educators to unite in sharing a common burn awareness and prevention message in our communities.”

Examples of flammable liquids are:

  • Fuels like gasoline and diesel.
  • Flammable solvents like paint, adhesives, and cleaning fluids.

Here are a few safety tips to follow in the handling of flammable liquids:

DO always keep flammable agents in containers specifically meant for them.

DO keep these containers out of the reach of children.

DO keep the containers tightly closed.

DO handle gasoline only outdoors, in well-ventilated areas.

DO store gasoline in a cool and dry area away from direct sunlight or any heat source or ignition.

DO use appropriate protective equipment like chemical-resistant gloves or safety goggles while handling flammable liquids.

DO NOT store gasoline in place of residence. Keep it in places like a shed or garage.

DO NOT siphon gasoline by mouth.

DO NOT induce vomiting if gasoline is swallowed. It might lead to lung aspiration, and even small amounts can cause pneumonitis.

DO NOT fill equipment with gas when the engine is hot.

DO NOT handle gasoline near a source of flame like burning dry leaves.

DO NOT use gasoline as a cleaning fluid.

DO NOT leave oily rags in a pile. Instead, dispose of them safely in a covered, fire-resistant container.

In The Event of a Burn Injury

(Source: American Burn Association)

  1. Smother any flames on clothing and remove the victim from the flame source
  2. Call 911
  3. Cool the burn with COOL (not cold) water to stop the burning process
  4. Remove all clothing from the injured area
  5. Cover the area with a clean, dry sheet or bandage
  6. Seek medical attention

Awareness campaigns like these offer an opportunity for the general public and various organizations to highlight the importance of personal and worker safety.

The American Burn Association has composed a toolkit on flammable burns for National Burn Awareness Week.
You can access this on their website,

Be safe….be aware!

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AuthorDr. Devikaa ManghnaniPlastic surgeon

Devikaa, a plastic surgeon from Western India who has now relocated to Colorado, balances her professional life with her passions for clean living and writing. Her blog, a blend of medical insights and personal interests, aims to engage readers with topics ranging from skincare to random musings, all shared from her unique perspective.

Dr. Devikaa Manghnani